

What time is check-in/check-out?
Check-in is usually at 15:00 and check-out is at 10:00, but times may differ depending on the plan.
Can we leave our luggage before check-in and after check-out?
Yes, LIME can keep your luggage at the front desk. Please feel free to ask us for assistance.
Is parking available?
Yes, free parking is available.
Is Wi-Fi available?
Yes, Wi-Fi is available in all rooms.
Do you have a pick-up service?
A pick-up service is available from Myoko-kogen station. (9:00-18:00)
*Reservation required by the day before
Do you offer daytime bathing?
Yes, bathing is available from 13:00 to 17:00. (Please contact us for further information).
Is there a shop?
A shop that sells local products is located in the front lobby.


Please make reservations using the following reservation form.

Accommodation reservation